"Be wise enough not to be reckless, but brave enough to take great risks."
I am currently at my favorite coffee shop on the corner of Del Amo and Palo Verde prepping myself for a night full of studying. I am overtly stalling because i am so unbelievably exhausted & can't stay focused! I keep telling myself that I need to snap out of it and get myself together for one more week but I truly just want to sit back and enjoy the day doing absolutely nothing... that would be simply satisfying!
Too bad, I can't. ):
Last night I decided to no longer make decisions based on what other people want. I always find myself doing that. But not anymore. I've decided to end a chapter in my life, which obviously was written in the past and that's where it should stay. I've been holding on way too long to how things used to be and who people WERE... & I don't want to live that way anymore. I learned that I can STILL keep those memories with me, but I will no longer allow those memories to have the power to dictate my actions and/or feelings. There's nothing left there for me and I'm not going back. From now on, I'm looking forward and onward. I'm free.
It's a scary but beautiful feeling.
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